Heart Cut Diamonds | Ideal Proportions, Ratios Guide

Sharif Khan
Sharif Khan
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Heart cut diamonds get their name from the way they are shaped. They resemble stylized hearts and are frequently used in sentimental or figurative jewelry designs. These exquisite stones are distinguished by their distinctively curved top lobes, known as the “wings," and their rounded bottom point—the "tip" of the heart. A heart-shaped diamond typically has 59 to 62 facets, though the number and arrangement may vary depending on the cut.

Heart cut diamonds are rare and difficult to cut. To get the best value for your budget when looking for a heart shaped diamond, it is critical to contemplate certain aspects, such as cut, color, clarity, carat weight, and fluorescence.

Key Points to Know in this Guide

  • Buy a heart cut diamond with a length-to-width ratio of 0.91-1.1, depth of 56-62%, and table of 58-65%.
  • Make sure it comes with a GIA grading report, and avoid fluorescence in colorless diamonds.

Considering budget and personal preferences, explore the following scenarios when buying a heart cut diamond:

  • For investment-grade quality (D/E, Fl/VVS range), look for a stone like this one.
  • For a balance between quality and size (F/G, VS/SI1 range), look for a stone like this one.
  • If size matters more than quality (H/I, SI1/2 range), look for a stone like this one.
  • For color acceptability over quality (L/M, VVS/VS range), look for a stone like this one.

Learn more on how to prioritize the 4Cs.

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Heart Cut Diamond Guide Highlights

Heart cut diamonds are relatively popular among diamond shapes. They are unique and hard-to-cut shapes.
In cut proportions, the ideal depth is 56-62% for heart shaped diamonds, the table is 58%-65%, and the length-to-weight ratio is 0.9-1.1 (also prioritize polish and symmetry). See more below.
D-G colors are excellent, but H and I also offer great value. The bigger the carat weight, the more color will show. Prioritize color based on the carat weight.
Clarity is important but provides more flexibility (SI1+ clarity grade stones are often eye-clean).
Buying a heart cut diamond with a GIA or AGS grading report. For lab-grown diamonds, IGI and other labs are fine as well. Please refer to the certification section to learn how to read a grading report.
Avoid fluorescence in colorless heart cut diamonds; faint and medium blue is suitable for H and lower color grades.
Heart shaped diamonds fit nicely into halo cathedral settings. For more details, check out our halo engagement rings.
Best Places Here is our list of the top jewelers for diamonds.

Heart Shape & Symmetry

The complicated cut of the heart shape and symmetry give it its attractiveness. The upper cleft must be delineated, and the two parts of the heart must be identical. Uneven wings, crooked or uneven tip, or a too shallow or deep cleft mean the diamond is poorly cut. Such flaws might detract from the diamond's appearance and decrease its worth.

Heart Diamond
Choosing a heart cut diamond will undoubtedly make jewelry stunning. However, the heart is one of the most complicated diamond shapes to cut, requiring high accuracy to get the optimum shape. An improperly cut diamond will not have a symmetrical and clearly defined heart shape, diminishing its appeal and value.

Admittedly, only some appreciate the heart cut because of its distinctive form. Therefore, it is vital to select a heart-cut diamond that suits your preferences.

Symmetry is still crucial even if you select a non-conventional heart form. A diamond with poor symmetry may not have the proper dimensions to form an aesthetically pleasing piece of jewelry.

In conclusion, a heart shaped diamond must be well-cut and symmetrical to look beautiful and valuable. Poor symmetry or an uneven cut can dull a diamond, lower its value, and diminish its overall appeal.

Ideal Cut Heart Diamond Proportions

A diamond with excellent light refraction will show the most brilliance and fire. The diamond's cut permits light to enter and reflect off its facets, giving them the glitter and brilliance that make them coveted. A poorly cut heart-shaped diamond will reflect light less effectively and give it a lifeless or dreary appearance.

Surprisingly, the cut can also influence the overall aesthetics of a heart-shaped diamond. A well-cut heart diamond can result in a gorgeous piece of jewelry due to the unique look of the heart. But, if cut poorly by an amateur, the diamond may look asymmetrical or have an undesirable form. Hence, a buyer would be better off consulting a reputable jeweler to ascertain the best value.

Compared to other diamond shapes of the same carat weight, heart cut diamonds often appear smaller from the front due to their unique shape. It features a rounded bottom and two lobes at the top, giving it a minimal look, which some people may prefer.

Hence, you might need to select a diamond with a higher carat weight to get your desired size. A well-cut diamond will appear bigger than a badly cut one, giving it more value for your money.

Cut quality is one of the most important factors that diamond grading laboratories, such as the Gemological Institute of America and the American Gems Society, use to grade diamonds. You can be sure that a certified diamond with a high cut grade will be of the finest quality and that the cut has been scrutinized elaborately by a responsible third party.

To get the cut right, using the following chart is essential:

Depth %

Excellent: 58%-64%

Very Good: 56-57%/65-66%

Good: 55%/67%

Fair: 54%-68%

Poor: <53 or >69%

Table %

Excellent: 56-62%

Very Good: 54-55%/63-64%

Good: 53%/65%

Fair: 52%/66%

Poor: <51% or >67%

Length/Width Ratio

Excellent: 0.910-1.09

Very Good: >0.86-<1.15

Good: >0.81-<1.18

Fair: >.80-<1.19

Poor: <0.79->1.20


Excellent: Thin-Thick

Very Good: Very Thin-Slightly Thick/Thin-Thick

Good: Very Thin- Very Thick

Fair: Very Thin-Very Thick

Poor: Extremely Thin-Extremely Thick


Excellent: None

Very Good: Slight

Good: Small

Fair: Average

Poor: >Average


Excellent (Best choice)

Very Good (Desirable)

Good (Acceptable)

Fair (Okay)

Poor (Avoid)


Knowing the ideal proportions for a heart cut diamond is paramount before you step into a market to buy one. Use the above chart to get the best heart cut for a heart shaped diamond.

Length-to-Width Ratio

The proportion of a diamond's length to width is known as the length-to-width ratio. A heart-shaped diamond should have a length-to-width ratio of between 0.90 and 1.10. Such a proportion will result in a symmetrical and beautiful heart form.

The Depth and Table Percentage

This measures how deep a diamond is in relation to its overall width. A heart-shaped diamond should have a depth percentage between 56% and 61% to have a superb balance of fire, brightness, and good light reflection.

Furthermore, the width of the diamond's table (the top facet) to its overall width is measured as the table percentage. A heart-shaped diamond with a table percentage of between 54% and 62% will be ideal for maximum shine.

Girdle Thickness

The girdle is a narrow band and surrounds a diamond at its widest point. A heart-shaped diamond with a medium to somewhat thick girdle will give it stability and durability to be a lifelong purchase.

Heart Halo Diamond Engagement Ring

Heart Prices Charts

Heart-shaped diamonds are not as common as some other diamond shapes. A 2 carat heart cut diamond may be more challenging and expensive than a diamond of similar weight but a different shape.

As with all diamonds, a heart cut diamond's price rises with carat weight. You should prepare to pay more if you want a larger heart cut diamond. A two carat heart cut diamond will cost more than twice as much as a one carat diamond since the price per carat rises as the carat weight increases.

The following chart shows our approximate average prices for heart cut diamonds (prices are for a very good+ cut, no fluorescence, and GIA/AGS graded diamonds):




1 Carat










1.5 Carat










2 Carat










2.5 Carat










3 Carat










Heart Diamonds Color

color scale from D (colorless) to Z grades diamonds (light yellow or brown). Colorless diamonds lie in the D to F range, while nearly colorless diamonds are in the G to J range. Choosing a colorless or almost colorless diamond will guarantee the best beauty and value, even though it could be challenging to tell the difference between diamonds in the D to F range and those in the G to J range.

Diamond Color Chart with Details

White diamonds with a tint are more common than colorless diamonds. A diamond with a higher color grade in the heart shape will be worth more than one with a lower color grade.

Notably, a diamond's color ultimately comes down to personal preferences. While some prefer a colorless diamond's cold and white appearance, others prefer a warmer or yellower tint.

Generally, fluorescence is a negative factor when assessing the quality of a diamond. However, it is particularly important to understand this factor as it relates to a diamond's color. For insights, read our diamond fluorescence good.

Color Chart Based on Carat Weight:

< 0.50 Carat

Poor/Far: >M/ L-M

Good: I-K

Very Good: H-I

Excellent: D-G

0.51 – 1.0 Carat

Poor/Fair: J-K / >L

Good: I

Very Good: H

Excellent: D-G

1.0 – 2.0 Carat

Poor/Fair: >J

Good: H-I

Very Good: G

Excellent: D-F

>2.0 Carat

Poor/Fair: >I

Good: H-I

Very Good: F-G

Excellent: D-E

Heart Diamonds Clarity

The presence or absence of imperfections and flaws on a diamond's exterior and interior are referred to as the stone's clarity. Blemishes are surface flaws, whereas inclusions are internal flaws. These flaws may impact the diamond's look, beauty, and worth, causing the stone to look dull and unattractive.

When buying a heart cut diamond, clarity is a critical factor to consider. To ensure the finest appearance and best value, select a diamond with high clarity that also has above-average color and cut (learn about VVS diamonds). A heart-shaped diamond's glaring flaws or inclusions can reduce its appeal and value.

Some people love flawless diamonds, while others do not mind minor flaws if they do not detract from the stone's brilliance. However, if you want maximum value for your bucks, buying a diamond with the best clarity grade would be your best bet.

Clarity Chart Based on Carat Weight:

< 0.50 Carat

Poor/Fiar: I2 / >I2

Good: I1-I2

Very Good: VS2-S12

Excellent: FL-VS1

0.51 – 1.0 Carat

Poor/Fair: I2 / >I2

Good: SI2

Very Good: VS2-SI2

Excellent: FL-VS1

1.0 – 2.0 Carat

Poor/Fair: SI2-I1 / >I1

Good: SI1-SI2

Very Good: WS2-VS2

Excellent: FL-VS1

>2.0 Carat

Poor/Fair: >SI2

Good: SI1-SI2

Very Good: VS1-SI1

Excellent: FL-WS2

Heart Diamonds Certification

A grading report and/or certification confirm a diamond's quality and authenticity. They also confirm the stone’s features, including its carat weight, cut, color, clarity, and possible treatment. With a certification, you can be sure your purchase is trustworthy and worth your time and money.

Certification is essential for heart-shaped diamonds, given their unique design and characteristics. You will be allowed to carry out an objective side-by-side comparison between two heart cut diamonds from various sources. If both are certified, you can rest assured that you are comparing diamonds of the same caliber and feature set.

Certification will also help you determine the quality of your heart-cut diamond. Since it has been certified by a respected third party, it will easily have a good resale value.

Without certification, it can be extremely challenging to know whether the diamond you want is genuine or altered in any way. A certified diamond guarantees that you make a genuine, high-quality diamond purchase and guards against fraud or buying a fake heart cut stone.

How to Read a Grading Report

In addition to the well-known 4Cs, buyers must be familiar with the following key aspects of a heart-cut diamond grading report or certificate, as highlighted in the image below.

Heart shape GIA grading report

Watch the HD Video of this Diamond.

Measurements: This is significant as it provides the buyer with information about the surface size of the diamond (indicating how large the diamond will appear in millimeters). It will also provide you with the length-to-width ratio by dividing the length by the width (in the above case, it is 7.22/8.02=0.9).

Fluorescence: This should be regarded as the 5th C. Given that the color is F, avoiding fluorescence is the optimal choice in this specific example. However, medium blue fluorescence is not as concerning as strong blue fluorescence. Faint is also safe.

Comments: This section will display factors related to clarity and highlight whether a diamond has undergone clarity enhancement utilizing methods like laser drilling or color enhancement. Additionally, be attentive to comments such as "clarity grade based on clouds," which is a worrisome indicator within clarity grades of VS2 and below. The laser inscription of the report number on the girdle is positioned above the comments section, offering an optional service for added verification.

Proportions: This chart is crucial for assessing a diamond's cut. Specifically, pay attention to the table percentage (57% in the example—excellent), depth percentage (59.3%—excellent), girdle (medium to very thick—very good), and culet (none—excellent).

Clarity Characteristics: This section will indicate the types of inclusions and their respective locations. It can help buyers avoid diamonds with visible inclusions at the center. These details are also useful for correlating the report with the diamond, as these inclusions serve as the diamond's unique birthmarks.

Final Thoughts

Heart cut diamonds are unique and rare. While they are less popular than round or oval cut diamonds, they still attract many buyers. If you choose this shape, get the cut proportions right and buy a stone with the right color, clarity, and certification.