Can anyone die by licking a diamond?

Sharif Khan
Sharif Khan
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It is a myth; you cannot die if you try to lick a diamond. Diamonds do not emit toxically or release toxic substances. However, a person may die if he swallows a diamond because a diamond is tough and has sharp edges, and can cut some part of the intestine in the stomach.

Since a diamond is the hardest stone, breaking it is not easy. If you lick a diamond, nothing will happen as no poison is coated on it, nor is it made from Potassium Cyanide.

What are diamonds?

The name "diamond" comes from the ancient Greek word adamas, which means invincible. It is the most rigid natural material in the world.

Diamond hardness and high dispersion of light make it worthwhile for diamond rings, diamond earrings, diamond pendants, diamond necklaces, and diamond bracelets.

The diamond is a jewel because it has been used as a religious icon in India for at least 2500 years. It can only scratch with other diamonds, keep its shade extremely good, and retain its shine for a long time.

Diamonds are mineral, natural crystalline elements, transparent or almost pure carbon. Diamonds have extraordinary properties. They come in various colors and have a high fracture index, fire spread, very low chemical reactivity, by-product shortage, and extreme hardness and durability. Diamonds are known as the "king of jewels" that glitter, dazzle, and symbolize purity and strength.

They are made inside soil with pressure and a temperature of around 900 - 1300 degrees C, possibly having remained there for a long time, more than a billion years.

Diamonds are brought to the surface during volcanic eruptions and can be found on a large surface.

The notable factor was not precisely what they were used for but because their usage emerged from India.

Diamond consists of one element, carbon, and the arrangement of carbon atoms in the network gives the diamond remarkable properties. Diamond and graphite consist exclusively of carbon. However, diamond is the hardest known material, and graphite is one of the softest because of the reorganization of how the atoms are connected.

The diamond belongs to the cubic or "isometric" crystalline system. The most apparent crystalline structures or arrangements are:

Octahedron (8 faces)

Cubes (6 pages)

Dodecahedron (12 faces)

The diamond is a real jewel with minor weaknesses and many strengths. Diamonds are known to be the most challenging ingredient in nature. However, diamonds are four times more complicated than most natural minerals, such as corundum, sapphires, and rubies, which is not a widely known fact.

Natural diamonds are formed in the earth’s carbon layer depths, about 180 km below the surface, with high temperatures and pressures. Some diamonds are formed at depths of 300 to 400 kilometers or more, but these are rare.

The earth is made of melted rocks, metals, and other materials. The temperature at this depth is very high, between 1100 ° C and 1400 ° C. The high pressure required to form diamonds is due to the weight of 180 km of rock supporting; besides carbon, minimal amounts of other substances, such as nitrogen and sulfur, dimmed in the glass when formed on the chimney. These impurities can give a diamond color—one of the rarest pink diamonds.

Natural diamonds are classified according to the type and level of impurities they contain.

About diamond type Ia: Most natural diamonds are of this type, with up to 0.3% nitrogen.

About the Ib-diamond type: Very rare (~ 0.1%) in nature, but almost all synthetic (industrial) diamonds of this type. They contain nitrogen at concentrations up to 500 ppm.

About diamond type IIa: It is rare. These diamonds contain minimum nitrogen that conventional UV or IR absorption measurements cannot easily notice.

Type IIb diamond: Extremely rare in nature. They have a small nitrogen concentration, and the crystal is a semiconductor p-type (due to the impurity of the uncompensated B acceptor).

Because of their unique internal structure and light-reflecting power, diamonds, when sliced in accurate proportions, gather light and then send it under the rays of fire and shine. The lifetime of a polished diamond is equivalent to the amount of light reflected by the viewer—this concept of life is called the glow. Suppose the diamond is cut with good proportions, the brightness increases. Luster refers to the brightness of the surface of a polished diamond. Shoot a visible pattern of crowned polished diamonds. When light enters the diamond, it breaks into the spectrum colors and re-reflects.

Diamond hardness is an important property. As an industrial tool, there are many applications. It is resistant to scratching and abrasion, so the finished stone retains its shine. Because of the hardness and unique shape in which it is made, the diamond is slowly polished. It processes the adamantine surface finely polished and flat, with sharp, straight edges between the facets. No other jewel can fit this polishing standard.

Diamond has the highest thermal conductivity coefficient of all known substances because the compact crystal structure emits severe heat. The diamond's thermal conductivity is five times larger than copper, explaining why the diamond first felt the cold touch but quickly warmed the heat from the fingers.

Most rare diamonds produce odd natural disasters in pink, blue, green, orange, or red. These are known as fancy diamonds and are rated by various color standards. Excess diamonds are the most expensive because of their extreme rarity.

By the middle of the 20th century, De Beers began using his motto "diamond forever" in their commercials. The campaign was so successful that diamonds today are strongly linked to engagements and eternal love.

It is the only mineral stone with one element that makes it the purest jewel on earth. Therefore, it is appropriate that the world's most pristine and most brilliant gems make the engagement ring a perfect symbol of eternal love.

Diamond Types

Diamonds are of different colors, such as pink, white, champagne, pink champagne, yellow, blue, and green.

The pink diamond is by far the weakest and most precious diamond and goes beyond the white diamond's beauty. The Argyle mine accounts for 95% of total production. However, less than one-tenth of all diamonds are classified as roses. Argyle pink diamonds are available in various shades, from gentle pastel pink to red and purple-red. This differentiates them from diamonds from India, Brazil, and Africa, which are lighter. The price of pink diamond Argyle depends on the intensity of the color.

Unlike pink diamonds, white diamonds are produced worldwide and available in various shapes and sizes. White Argyle Minerals have better quality.

The white diamond shows pink stripes on the upper side. Their depth and strength determine their high prices.

Another type is the Champagne Diamond. They come in light straw colors to rich cognac. Usually, color intensity carries more importance in color estimation.

Pink diamond champagne is more expensive than diamond champagne. Yellow diamonds range from pale yellow to rich canary colors, and blue diamonds range from light blue to steel and metal. The green diamond, in which the color penetration is not very deep, is removed by modeling the stone.

Diamond Properties

Diamonds are carbon. Colorless diamonds are usually pure carbon, but diamonds of various exotic shades are the color of small impurities in the stone structure. Graphite, "lead" pencils, is also pure carbon. The only difference between lead and diamond is the way the molecules meet. Graphite is a soft carbon form that easily converges to paper, while diamond is the most intricate known natural substance.

The narrow cubic molecular structure of the diamond makes it difficult. It was created in almost unimaginable temperature and pressure conditions, deep underground, and shaped at a depth of 90 to 120 miles or more. The pressure is about 45 to 60 kilobar at these depths. However, the temperature at which diamonds are formed is relatively small given this great depth—about 1652 to 2372 degrees Fahrenheit.

Scientists believe these conditions exist only in two places (different from modern laboratories). One such is in the lithosphere cover under the old continental plates. The material beneath the ocean would be too hot, and the earth's crust would not produce enough pressure. The only other place in the world where natural diamonds are made, although most microscopically, is where meteors hit the ground.

The developed diamond is processed in a rock matrix, a kimberlite, or, sometimes, a lamproite. This massive rock mass in the root then explodes on the surface during a volcanic event, bringing deeper depths to where they can be extracted or driving rock and earth into the gravel or on the ground. This process takes time. Natural diamonds are between one and 3.3 billion years, from 22 to 73% of the country.

The most common impurity in the diamond is nitrogen. Nitrogen is an element that naturally forms molecules that form two atoms. When the vaporized nitrogen atoms form in the diamond, it does not affect their color. The diamond may be yellowish or brown if large groups of nitrogen atoms are produced. But if some nitrogen atoms are made in a diamond, the result may be a set of canary diamonds. It may be 0.1% of diamond jewels in color with nitrogen.

Boron is another element that can paint diamonds. Diamonds' colors show different shades of gray, blue, or slate. Hydrogen can also give a diamond color. Otherwise, the colors are blue or sometimes purple.

The pink and red shades in diamonds do not cause as many impurities as the deformation of the net caused by creating a diamond. The same type of deformation can also produce purple stones.

Are Any Diamond Properties Harmful?

In a diamond, every carbon atom forms the perfect tetragonal grid. These links are solid, making the diamond chemically inert. It does not react efficiently with other chemicals because of its non-toxic nature.

To say that a diamond is not poisonous because of pure carbon is too simple if you want a detailed answer. It must be noted that there appear small particles (Princnanocarbides) that can chemically or physically affect cellular mechanisms. For example, HNK penetration simulation of scattered graphene and lipid bilayers exists with different results. Some studies show that they generally do not want exposure to nano carbons, such as asbestos.

You would expect diamond studs to fall into this category. What we consider pure carbon is, for the most part, chemically inert and does not function chemically with the body. Therefore, if you eat a diamond, the carbon inside it may not wholly dissolve, though the somehow dissolved part cannot have a significant toxicity effect.